In honor of today's Feast of the Guardian Angels, I thought I'd post an OSV story I did on angels and their role in our spiritual lives. I'll start you off here and send you there.
The photos at left and below were taken by me two years ago when I was crossing Ponte Sant'Angelo in Rome on my way to St. Peter's Basilica.
By Mary DeTurris Poust
Human beings over the centuries and across cultures have long been fascinated with and captivated by angels. We seek their protection and pray for their guidance. We both fear and crave their presence. We put them on necklaces, coffee mugs, mouse pads and more. When it comes to angels, our expressions of love run from the ridiculous to the sublime, inspiring everything from the wildly inappropriate Victoria’s Secret ad campaign to the strikingly beautiful film
Wings of Desire.
Although Catholics often begin their prayer connection to angels in childhood, with the sing-song words of the Angel of God prayer --- “Ever this night, be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide” – angels are by no means child’s play. They are complex spiritual beings, often misunderstood by us humans who try to give them features

and attributes that are more akin to existence on earth than heaven. Chubby little baby-like cherubs sporting wings and harps cannot begin to do justice to the reality of angels in our midst.
So what exactly are we dealing with here, and what role do angels play in our personal prayer lives?....Continue reading
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