Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby

Four years ago today my beautiful baby girl, Chiara Elizabeth, was born. The years have just flown by. When she arrived on the scene, I was so grateful for her presence, for the gift of new life at my ripe old age (just about 43). Today she continues to amaze me with her funny statements -- like the time I told her she she was a pain in the butt and she responded, "I am not a penguin butt." And her keen observations -- like when we were on vacation last week and she felt the need to ask her new-found friend's baby-sitter why she had a ring through her belly button. And her unique personality and quirks -- like how she starts every sentence with "Well..."

Here's a quick look from day one...


Roxane B. Salonen said...

Your kids are so beautiful, and it is amazing how quickly our little ones are growing up, isn't it? Even this summer, people are commenting how Nick isn't a little boy anymore, and I have to admit it, it's true.

Happy Birthday!

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...

What precious pictures, Mary! They are so heartwarming. :)

God bless and hugs!

Karen Edmisten said...

She is beautiful. Happy birthday, Chiara.